Arguably the most important factor to evaluate when selecting a real estate syndication investment is the local market of the target property. The age old axiom of Location, Location, Location has stood the test of time for good reason. Investors should target markets with growing populations and employment opportunities which leads to higher rent prices. Combine this with business-friendly environments and a low relative cost of living and you have a winning formula.
The market we will be exploring today is Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Market Overview
Chattanooga is the 4th largest city located in Tennessee with a population of around 185,000 which is an increase of over 10% since 2010
Business-Friendly and diverse job market with mix of manufacturing and service industries that include major employers such as Volkswagen, Johnson Controls, Mars Inc, Unum and McKee Foods
Easy access to 4 major interstate highways enables 2 hour drive to both Nashville and Atlanta along with many other destinations
Offers fastest internet speed in the US and more than four times the national average due to investments in fiber optic infrastructure
Key Real Estate Investment Drivers
Chattanooga ranked number 1 on Forbes list of where jobs will be in 2020
Rents are growing at a rate of 6% year over year, which outpaces every surrounding market
Tennessee experienced a 12% increase in people moving to the state in 2020, the highest in the US
Chattanooga is the only city that has won the Best Town Ever Award twice and has also been recognized as a Top 100 Best Places to Live and Top 10 Downtowns
Situated in the heart of “Freight Alley”, Chattanooga ranks number 1 in freight movement and it is estimated that 80% of all freight travels through the city
Named the best city in the US to work from home according to PCMag
As we can see from the data, Chattanooga checks many of the boxes that real estate syndication investors are looking for in a local market. Finding the correct property and sponsor are still critical components of a successful no-hassle, hands-off investment, which is where our company can help.